May 27, 2021

What Got You Here, Is Not Going To Get You There

For continued change to happen, you have to do things you’ve never done before.

What got you here, is not going to get you there.

Walking daily and eating a lighter lunch may have helped you lose weight, but if you want to now improve your press ups then you need to get stuck into some strength training, and make sure you’re eating enough protein to support your body to repair after a tough workout.

Lifting weights and performing three workouts a week may have helped you get fitter and built some strength, but if you want to now drop a belt notch then you need to address your nutrition.

Learning to do lunges and sit ups has helped you master your body and build confidence in the gym, but if you want to take the next step then you need to add weight to those lunges and increase how many sit up reps you do.

As your goals change, you have to change what you do.

As you progress and improve, you have to change what you do.

As coaches, we’re agitators. We nudge, cajole, push you to change.

Remember, having to change is often a sign of success! We like to tell people it’s a compliment when we make something harder, or expect more from someone. You’ve levelled up and we’re moving with you.

You’re ready for the next level.

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